Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 04 March 2024

Welcome to BENDERAH. We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. This Privacy Policy will inform you how we look after your personal data when you visit our website (regardless of where you visit it from) and tell you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.

  1. Information We Collect

We collect and process personal data about you when you interact with us and our products, and when you purchase goods from our website. This data includes:

  • Your name, address, email address, telephone number, and payment details.
  • Information related to the browser or device you use to access our website.
  • Any other information that you voluntarily provide to us.
  1. Use of Your Information

We will only use your personal data when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will use your personal data in the following circumstances:

  • To fulfill a contract we are about to enter into or have entered into with you.
  • Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.
  • To comply with a legal obligation.
  1. Sharing Your Information

We may have to share your personal data with the parties set out below for the purposes set out in section 2 above:

  • External Third Parties such as service providers acting as processors who provide IT and system administration services.
  • Professional advisers including lawyers, bankers, auditors, and insurers.
  • Government bodies that require us to report processing activities.
  1. Data Security

We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorized way, altered, or disclosed.

  1. Data Retention

We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

  1. Your Legal Rights

Under certain circumstances, you have rights under data protection laws in relation to your personal data, including the right to access, correct, or delete your personal data, object to processing, and request portability of your personal data.

  1. Changes to This Privacy Policy

Any changes we make to our Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by email. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our Privacy Policy.

  1. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with our website, please contact us at:

BENDERAH Postbus 9171 1006AD Amsterdam Netherlands Email:

Have questions, feedback, or a special request?

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